Sunday, April 10, 2011

Tarte au Pomme - Apple Pie

What you need :  2 or 3 honey crisp apples or any other kind of sweet apples, slice them in even and very thin slices
unsweetened applesauce 
granulated  sugar
9 inch pie crust in the refrigerated isle at the supermarket

STEP 1:  put the pie crust in a 9 inch pie pan, Adrien loves to press the sides to make sure the crust is nicely and evenly spread everywhere.  

STEP 2 : Then you use a spoon and spread a little bit of applesauce all around the crust, this will allow the apples to get soft and tasteful :)

STEP  3:  add the slices all around the crust in a circle, add more applesauce , a little bit of sugar , and then continue adding another layer of apple slices around the crust.  top with a little bit of sugar and applesauce

STEP 4:  put in the oven at 425 F for about 25 minutes until the crust is lightly brown.

This is light and sweet !  A great dessert for spring or summer ~ Bon Appetit !