Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Quiche Lorraine is usually made with bacon and swiss cheese, since Adrien is not a fan of bacon, I've adapted the recipe adding ham and grilled onions to make it more Child friendly but still tasty.  Adrien loves it and his little friends usually enjoy eating it as well.  Here is the recipe for:  QUICHE A LA ADRIEN :)

What you need:

- 24OZ  light sour cream
- as many slices of cooked ham as you'd like - diced in small pieces
- one white onions cut in small pieces
- three organic cage free eggs
-Shredded swiss cheese
- ready to bake pie crust (9inch) (usually located in the refrigerated section of the grocery store near the eggs )
- garlic (optional - if you like garlic)
- salt
- pepper

How to prepare it:

Warm the oven at 425 F

 Cook the diced onions with a little bit of olive oil and garlic until they're soft and cooked.

Mold the pie crust in a pie dish, pour the cooked onions in, add in the diced cooked ham
In a mixing bowl,  whisk 3 eggs with the light sour cream and some of the shredded cheese, add salt and pepper,  then pour it all on top of the onions and ham in the pie dish.  Add some shredded swiss cheese on top of it.  Put it in the oven for about 25-30 minutes.

How the kids can help:

- Adrien loves helping tap the pie crust in the pie dish.

- While I dice the onions, Adrien dices the cooked ham.
He uses child-friendly knives we ordered from

-  While I cook the onions, he takes his small whisk and mixes the eggs, and sour cream.  I just whisk it again a little before we both pour it in together ;)

- He's always in charge of adding the swiss cheese on top, I supervise of course in case he 's a little too enthusiastic ;)

VOILA !  Have fun and bon appetit !

If you'd like to make a spinach quiche -simply cook the spinach with the onions , wait until it cools down,  poor it in the pie dish and add the mixture of eggs, sour cream and cheese on top.  It's THAT simple !